Activities/Side Groups

Side Groups are OMWC sponsored social groups based upon special interests, and a great place to meet and make new friends.  You may join as many groups as you wish.

A few groups are ‘ladies only’; some are open to all OM adults, one for children and parents. Some groups involve regular attendance, others the dates of your choice.  A few have small per event fees that go toward prizes, others have varying expenses, ie: ticket costs.

We do ask that adult participants pay the $15 annual OMWC membership fee to participate after a guest visit.

Questions?  Email the listed contact person.

Interested in overall information or forming a new group?  Contact the OMWC Side Groups Chair: Carmen Castillo at

Book Club – Kathy Abugattas,
Bunco  – Cheryl Wengler,
Canasta – Carolyn Banz,
Hand, Knee, & Foot – Bunnie Hamilton,
Hiking/Park Walks – Julie Niemann,
Trivial Pursuit  – Sherry Cruz,
Wine Club – Sherry Cruz,

Book Club (monthly/daytime) : to discuss a book chosen by the members, enjoy refreshments, and visit. Each member chooses a book for the annual roster. This process accommodates a variety of interests as well as introduces new books and authors. Many of the selections are on bestseller lists, most are fiction, and a few are somewhat controversial.
When: 1st Thursday of the month 12:30 PM in a member’s home. Lunch is served by the hostess. We sometimes meet at a local restaurant.

Bunco (monthly/evening): Groups of 12 meet to play this dice game.  Members rotate hosting dinner and games. $5 buy-in goes to winners at evening’s end.. If regular play is not an option, one may join as a substitute.
When: 7 PM to 9:30, 4th Thursday

Canasta (monthly/evening):  card game, a variant of 500 Rummy played with 2 teams or six players in competition. Instructions for new players are provided.
When: 7 PM, two dates to choose from, the  2nd and 3rd Wednesday of the month

Hand, Knee, & Foot (monthly/daytime) : a card game similar to Canasta. All supplies & instructions are provided.
When: 2 monthly play dates to select from, the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 1:00 PM.

Hiking/Park Walks (monthly): Walks are enjoyed by club members in parks and greenways during the months from October to June.  Walks are typically scheduled on weekend mornings or afternoons and last 1 1/2  to 3 hours.

Trivial Pursuit (monthly/evening): It’s the guys vs. the gals!  Members rotate hosting a potluck dinner and game in their homes. Spouses and plus-ones welcome!
When: typically the last Saturday of the month, 7-10 PM.

Wine Club:  3 – 4 times per year for varied wine-related activities. These may include organized trips to wineries, wine tasting in member’s homes, etc. Spouses and +1s always welcome!